September 10, 2008

Pentagon Physical Evidence Confirmed: Radio Tower was Damaged and Repaired Following the 9/11 Attack

Pentagon Physical Evidence Confirmed: Radio Tower was Damaged and Repaired Following the 9/11 Attack--Confirms South Approach

We now have compelling evidence that this Virginia Department of Transportation Tower was damaged by the plane alleged to hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

John Farmer informs me:

I have several accounts on audio which I will upload over the next few days. The most significant finding thus far is that I confirmed with people in the VDOT area that the plane did clip the VDOT antenna... the antenna being bent over seems to be common knowledgehere in Arlington. I... found it easy to verify the flight path. This... is perhaps the most important finding in recent years (that the VDOT antenna was clipped).
I will update this post with additional information soon.